DIY Christmas Decor Ideas For Nurses


Creating Christmas decors can take a lot of time and as nurses, we know you don’t have a lot of free time to spend on that. Because of that, we searched for really nice Christmas decor ideas for nurses that are super easy to make.

If you are interested in any particular project, simply click on the photo to get to the original Pinterest pin (or website).

1. Christmas Tree made out of surgical gloves

We posted this same photo last Christmas and got a lot of love. This is an awesome project to do with your fellow nurses. It’s eye-catching and is guaranteed to be a conversation piece.

Not all gloves are created the same and for our glove Christmas tree, latex gloves are the best. They blow up bigger and the ends are easier to tie into a knot. For color, you can see from below that green and blue are the most holiday-ish.

gloves christmas tree
From the Nerdy Nurse

Choose lightweight decorations when decorating your tree. Anything heavy might topple or damage your glove Christmas tree.

2. DIY snowman

This snowman doubles as both a snowman AND a Christmas tree. You’ll be hitting two birds with one stone if you do something similar.

diy snowman

Fancy this snowman made out of paper cups? He’s got straws for eyes and a medicine dispenser for a nose. We think his hat and red shawl give off a rakish holiday vibe.

snowman made with cups

Here’s a wall decor version of the paper cup snowman. You can put him up against an empty wall or on a door. Just make sure to give room for door handles to avoid damage.

snowman cups

3. Christmas Wreaths:

What’s more interesting than a Christmas tree made out of hospital gloves? How about a Christmas wreath made out of urinals!

christmas wreath urinals

Or a Christmas wreath made out of medicine dispensers:


Or empty test tubes:

christmas wreath

Or just about anything nurse-y you can get your hands on:
nurse wreath

christmas nurse wreath

4. Christmas bell decor

For everyone who hates the call bell, we introduce to you the Christmas Bells! To make these bells, you’ll need some clay pots, pipe cleaners, jingle bells, terra cotta markers, and paintbrushes.

If you work in Pediatrics, you can even rope in some older kids and turn this into a fun Christmas project.

christmas bell ornaments

These cute snowmen hangings started their lives out as simple jingle bells. They can be purchased from Michaels or AC Moore and come in a can of 20. Complete instructions are HERE.

snowman bells
From everythingerinpaige

5. EKG Christmas Decor

DIY Christmas decor ideas for nurses can be as simple as this clever EKG wall decor. And it’s very easy to do too.

ekg nurse decor

6. Christmas lights prescription bottles

These prescription bottles look great when used with a chain of Christmas lights. You’ll need to bore or punch holes through the tops of the prescription bottles to get the little Christmas lights to go through.

christmas light prescription bottles

7. Christmas decors that you can do with your patients:

Now here are some decorations that will make for great Christmas projects with your patients. A collab project with their favorite nurses should make them doubly excited for the holidays.

a. Christmas balls fingerpainting

You’ll need shiny Christmas balls and washable non-toxic paint. If you work with kids, they’ll love making these DIY decor and seeing them used as Christmas ornaments althroughout the ward.

christmas balls handpainting

You can use pipe cleaners or bits of ribbon for accents. Make sure to be careful with the glue.

b. Christmas Tree pinecones

Here’s another project for the very young or the elderly. Little fingers should be able to add colorful decorations to pinecones.

diy christmas pine cones

diy pinecone trees

c. Handpainted Christmas Tree

There’s nothing quite as personal as a DIY project that requires you to stamp your handprints on canvass. This is a very simple art work that will look great on your floor this Christmas.

handprint christmas tree

d. Christmas Tree out of felt paper

This felt Christmas tree is very cheery and festive. If you have little kids helping out, make sure to measure the tree out to their height.

felt christmas trees

e. Christmas Tree ribbons

These Christmas tree decorations will need some skill with a needle. They’re very cheap to make though and should look great hanging from a Christmas tree or along a wall.

christmas tree ribbons

f. Popsicle stick Christmas ornaments

Use recycled materials to create fun faces and figures on popsicle sticks.

christmas sticks ornaments

g. DIY Nurse ornament

This DIY ornament is all heart.

diy nurse ornaments

h. DIY vial top Christmas tree Nurse badge

Recycle vial tops and make them into a Christmas tree. Add colorful bits of decor for holiday cheer.

vial top christmas tree

Nurses are not only the most patient of creatures, they’re also very resourceful and creative too! We’re excited to see what fun Christmas decor you’ll be putting up this holiday season.

Clue us in on more DIY Christmas decor ideas for nurses. Please share them with us via our Drop by our FB page page!